Packing for Long-Term Travel: A Guide for Manly Men

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Packing for Long-Term Travel

Packing for an extended trip abroad can be stressful, especially when you are visiting multiple destinations with different climates.

It would be perfect if there were some kind of ‘ultimate packing list’ that applied to every destination and variable, but that’s not the case.

Instead, I thought I would share the ‘wisdom’ I have amassed over the last ten years on the road.

And, as I set off for three months in Tanzania, three months in Vietnam, three months in Australia, and three months in the US – I’ve been putting all of this into practice.

So, here it is, the ultimate guide to packing for long-term travel!

1 – Choosing the Right Luggage

Before you start packing for your big trip, it’s probably a good idea to have something to pack into. Airports tend to frown on you simply tossing an armload of clothing onto the baggage scale.

Ideally, you’re going to want a large suitcase or backpack for your belongings plus a smaller day-pack for when you don’t fancy lugging your entire wardrobe on your back. So, what kind of luggage do you need?

Travel Backpack vs. Roller Luggage

The debate that has been destroying relationships and ruining Christmas dinners since time immemorial: are you a backpack person or a roller bag person?

As a general rule, I prefer to use a backpack for a few reasons:

  • More lightweight than a roller bag;
  • Roller bags struggle to roll on beaches and uneven terrain;
  • You look more like you know what you’re doing;
  • Free shoulders and back work out!

While it might look like you can fit more into your roller bag, it’s worth remembering that a roller bag typically adds 2 – 5 kgs to your total. So, while you might have extra space to pack your stuff into, you’re going to run into problems when it comes time to weigh in.

With that being said, I’m currently traveling with a roller bag while I’m in the market for a new backpack. I can’t even follow my own advice!

What Size Do I Need?

This is all a matter of personal preference + understanding how long you’re going to be traveling.

  • For a serial over-packer like me, having my large Osprey 70L travel backpack might give me ample room, but it’s also going to encourage me to pack more than I need. I’ll also be more inclined to pick up random shit that I don’t need along the way – but for longer trips this bag has been amazing to use!
  • If you’re wanting to avoid paying for checked baggage, consider getting something smaller like a 40-55 travel backpack. Anything larger is unlikely to qualify as carry-on.

Backpack for Long-Term Travel

The All-Important Day Pack

It might seem counter-intuitive to bring along a second bag, but a day pack is essential when you’re traveling for an extended period of time.

Few and far between are the days where you’ll want all of your belongings with you, but there will be plenty of days where you’ll want to be able to bring along a change of clothes and a few other essentials. That’s where a good daypack comes in.

When I travel long-term I wear my larger backpack on my back, and then my day bag/carry-on essentials on the front. It’s the classic backpacker style, and works like a charm!

I’ve been using the fantastic Berghaus 30L Day Pack for a few years and it’s been perfect. Large enough to hold my 17″ Acer Predator laptop and all of my other electronics, it’s also water resistant enough that I could use it while hiking the Kumano Kodo, going orangutan trekking, and trekking for gorillas.

2 – Packing Cubes For Long Term Travel

For the longest time, I resisted the urge to be one of ‘those’ people who use packing cubes. I’m a man, dammit! I don’t need little cubes to help me organize my suitcase.

Except, I do need that. I really do.

My girlfriend, Adventures Around Asia, is obsessed with packing cubes and finally brought me into the fold when she brought me an Eagle Creek starter pack for Christmas.

With one cube for button-down shirts, one for t-shirts, and one for underpants, my luggage has never been more organized!

Packing Cubs for Long Term Travel

3 – Packing the right amount of clothing

This is where I’ve always had my biggest weakness. How do you pack for a trip of undetermined length and without knowing exactly what destinations you’re headed to?

First things first, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself:

  • What climates are you going to be in?
  • Do you need any specialised attire for formal occasions, scuba diving, hiking etc?
  • How often are you going to be able to do laundry?

Obviously, all of these questions are going to help you figure out what you need and how much of it you need.

For my recent trip to the United States, I knew I’d need to attend a wedding, so my suit had to have its place in my bag. I also knew I’d be doing some hiking, so hiking boots and gear had to make the cut.

Thankfully, my travels are keeping me away from colder climates, so bulky jackets and cold weather attire have been limited to a hoodie and a spray jacket.

What Do I Need to Pack For Long Term Travel?

When I pack for an extended trip, I try to limit myself to the following:

  • 6 t-shirts
  • 2 button-up shirts for more formal occasions
  • 2-3 pairs of shorts
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 pair of khakis or trousers
  • 1 hoodie or jacket
  • 7 pairs of socks
  • 10 pairs of underpants
  • 1 pair of board shorts or other swimming attire
  • 1 pair of sneakers or comfortable shoes
  • 1 pair of semi-formal shoes or boots
  • 1 pair of sandals, thongs, or flip-flops

This is in addition to any specialized attire you might need. As I said, my packing list also includes a nice leather jacket and a pair of hiking boots. Thankfully, I’ve been able to leave my suit with my in-laws.

4 – Accessories

In addition to the all-important clothing, you’re also going to want to pack a few additional accessories. I never leave home without the below:

Travel Jacket

Boring Essentials

Then there are the other essentials that don’t necessarily need day to day use, but might be handy to have in a pinch. I never travel with a first aid kit, but probably should given my track record with broken arms and giardia…

With these tucked away in your suitcase, you’re covered for all but the most grisly of eventualities.

When it comes to medical stuff, it’s always best to chat with your doctor about what vaccinations you might need for the year to come.

5 – Condensing your toiletries

As a guy, I tend to travel with considerably fewer toiletries than my fiancee, but that doesn’t mean I’m traveling light.

Once you factor in the toiletry essentials such as toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, sunscreen, a razor, and some cologne, my toiletry kit is already a hefty addition to my luggage.

  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Floss
  • Mouthwash
  • Deodorant
  • Razor
  • Sunscreen (SPF 50+)
  • Nail clippers
  • Razor
  • Cologne
  • Travel soap/shaving cream
  • Insect repellent (DEET 40% if you’re headed to the tropics)

Being a beardy git who shaves his head, I also have to bring along the various accouterments that help to make me the handsome creature that I am.

I also travel with a lightweight electric razor, as I need to shave my head every week or so to hide the fact I’m bald (by making myself balder).

6 – Travel Electronics

I’ve written before about how I’m an unabashed addict when it comes to travel gadgets. My day pack doubles as a veritable high tech lab when it comes to the number of cameras, computers, and various other electronics I cram into it.

For this upcoming trip, I’ve even got needless extras like a laptop cooling pad, Razer Naga, and vintage Nintendo 64 packed. A boy has got to stay entertained while living on a farm in Tanzania, guys!

For more practical purposes, I try to limit my travel electronics to the following:

As you can see, it’s a pretty extensive list, but I’m a content creator and somebody who can’t stand to be bored.

If you aren’t necessarily creating content for a blog or needing to be permanently connected, you could quite easily cut this list back to a few essentials such as the smartphone, universal adaptor, and a camera.

Drone for Travel - Photo

7 – Travel apps and guidebooks

In days gone by, it wasn’t uncommon to leave home with a Lonely Planet guidebook or ten crammed into your carry on.

Thankfully, with the advent of smartphones and pocket-sized eReaders, it’s never been easier to have all of the information you need right at your fingertips.

Loading a few relevant travel guidebooks on to your Kindle is always handy, as you might not have WiFi or 4G to access Google from your phone.

In addition, I always download a few travel apps ahead of a big trip such as:

That’s in addition to the obvious ones like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat etc.

If you’re looking to edit your photos on the run, I can’t speak highly enough of Enlight. I also use Swarm to keep track of everywhere I go while I’m on the road. You never know when you’re going to want to remember the name of that Thai place you ate at in Queenstown.

8 – Travel Documents

These probably go without saying, but you probably shouldn’t leave home without:

  • Your passport
  • Copy of your travel insurance policy
  • A printed copy of your itinerary
  • Any vaccination cards you might need
  • Passport photos
  • Proof of onward travel 

Another huge travel tip I have for long-term travelers is maximizing credit card rewards! When I see people use debit cards while I traveling I sigh and immediately think to myself, wow you’re really missing out! Being an Australian I regularly check for different sign-up bonuses for travel credit cards.

For my American based readers, I’d recommend looking into The Points Guy & View From The Wing for more information. Travel Hacking is so fun once you learn how to do it properly! Never spend a dime without earning points! 

ALSO – look out for a card that offers a membership to Priority Pass – this is an AMAZING airport lounge membership that I’ve gotten a lot of use out in the past few years.

Cape Town Drone Photo

9 – Travel insurance

Take it from me: you’d be an idiot to travel without insurance.

Before you head out, it makes sense to do your research and choose the right travel insurance for you.

If you’re looking to rent a car through a site like Holiday Autos, make sure that your insurance is going to cover your rental car.

I personally use World Nomads whenever I am traveling, and have recently started paying a little extra to insure my higher value items such as my Canon SX60 and my Acer Predator.

10 – Travel Esim

One of the most important aspects of traveling in the modern era is staying connected to the internet, and thankfully due to the advances in Esim technology it has never been easier. I’ve become a huge fan of Truely Travel eSIM as they have coverage plans all over the world for extremely affordable prices.

It’s very easy to install and you can be connected the minute you land in your destination! 

Additional Travel Accessories

Once you’ve packed all of your essentials: your clothes, medications, and electronics, you’ll have a better idea of whether or not you have room for a few fun extras.

For me, that’s usually a lightweight card game like Fluxx or Superfight or a big boy toy like a Nintendo Switch, but you know what you like better than I do.

Other fun little travel additions could include:

As I say, you know your tastes better than I do, so you’ll know best what little extras will make your trip a more enjoyable one.

Your Say

What are your expert travel tips?

What can’t you leave home without?

Have I missed anything or made a glaring rookie error that needs to be remedied?

Don’t hesitate to leave your questions and feedback below! I’m always checking my comments, so you’ll hear back from me!

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