Yosemite in One Day

How to Spend a Day in Yosemite National Park

There were at least two separate occasions during our visit to Yosemite National Park that I wasn’t just overawed, but very nearly overwhelmed by the sheer majesty of the place.

America’s first national park might not be quite as stunning as Yellowstone or quite as well known as the Grand Canyon, but to say I was grateful that my US trip itinerary would include the soaring cliffs and dense pine forests of Yosemite is an understatement. A day in Yosemite wasn’t enough – but it was one I’ll not forget.

And not just because we ran into a black bear

If you’re looking for more Yosemite inspiration, be sure to check out Make Time to See the World’s Yosemite Travel Guide.

Yosemite in One Day

There are numerous suggested itineraries for doing Yosemite in a day, but we tinkered and toyed with those we found to make one of our own. A basic run-down would be:

–          Wawona (and the Mariposa Pines)

–          Tunnel View

–          Bridalveil Falls

–          Yosemite Valley & Village

–          Mirror Lake

–          Sentinel Dome

–          Glacier Point

Of those on the above list, we perhaps could have skipped Mirror Lake (it was more of a field when we visited) and arguably Yosemite Falls (which were not running). That would have substantially cut down our time in the Valley proper, allowing us time to maybe visit Vernal Falls or something instead.

We actually did this over two days on account of having slept in too late on day #1, but it’s entirely possible to fit this itinerary into a single day by starting at Wawona and then trekking through to do a sunset view at Sentinel Dome and some stargazing at Glacier Point.

A Day in Yosemite

I won’t bore you with too many words in some attempt to do Yosemite justice. Instead, below you’ll find a selection of photos and a brief rundown of how we spent our day in the Yosemite Valley. Bon appétit!


We actually visited Wawona early on our second day in the area – arriving at around 8.30am and leaving before noon. It’s entirely possible to take in the more famous sights and be out of there quicker – we managed to get a little lost in our search for The Faithful Couple and Clothespin.

After arriving and spending about six laps of the car park looking for a space (and cursing caravan/camper van drivers taking up so much space) we got out on the trek to see some of the marvelous Giant Sequoias that tower over the rest of the forest.

wawona mariposa pines
The towering Giant Sequoias of Wawona really do put you in awe of nature’s majesty.

Woodpeckers chipping away and songbirds chiming in, it was easy to ignore the hubbub of the crowds and just soak in the natural beauty of the place: the sun-dappled paths, the stirring of the wind in the trees, and those moments of blissful solitude when our trek took us away from the crowd.

Worth seeing are the Fallen Monarch, Grizzly Giant, the California Tunnel Tree, and the Faithful Couple. Along the way you can also see the Washington Tree, the Bachelor and Three Graces, and the Clothespin.

The Clothespine, Yosemite
The Clothespin – one of several ‘named’ trees at Wawona in Yosemite.

With the exception of the Faithful Couple and the Clothespin, you can see all of the above on a short 60-90 minute hike.

A longer hike also takes you to the Telescope Tree, the Columbia Tree, the Wawona Tunnel Tree, and the Fallen Giant.

Tunnel View

Most (if not all) Yosemite Valley guides recommend stopping shortly after coming out of the tunnel and pulling over to take some truly breathtaking photos of the valley below.

tunnel view yosemite
The view from Tunnel View is pretty magnificent.
magnificent view
…and it’s an even more magnificent view with me in it

The view itself isn’t among the most spectacular I’ve ever taken in, but it gives a fantastic vista of the park below and we weren’t alone in pausing to snap a few dozen pictures.

Bridalveil Falls

Our first real detour on day #1 was a visit to Bridalveil Falls. We were lucky to find it still running; most of the park’s waterfalls had gone dry for the summer.

Clambering over sun-baked rocks took me back to my more adventurous youth, when any pile of rocks or mildly climbable hillside became a playground for me. I’ve still got fond memories of climbing the hill behind Tibooburra in outback NSW and turning a railway cutting near my family home in Ben Lomond into a rock climbing gym.

The going from the carpark to the waterfall isn’t terribly tough, although there are a few hairy moments on slippery rocks from time to time. It’s well worth the climb, though. A delightfully chilly pool of freshwater waits at the top.

The walk to Bridalveil Falls
The walk to Bridalveil Falls
The sun peaks over the cliffs above Bridalveil Falls
The sun peaks over the cliffs above Bridalveil Falls
Posing in front of the Bridalveil Falls
Posing in front of the Bridalveil Falls

We even caught a few particularly adventurous travelers inventing their own waterslide to enter the pool. Without a change of clothes on us, though, we decided to make do with snapping some photos in front of the falls.

Yosemite Valley

To say we were disappointed by our visit to the valley proper is an understatement. With most of the waterfalls not running, we were a little disappointed by our visit to Yosemite Falls.

Still, some of the best Half Dome pictures can be taken from the valley floor and there’s solitude to be found if you’re prepared to walk that little extra distance.

The Yosemite Valley
Taking some time out in the Yosemite Valley
The famous Half Dome in Yosemite
The famous Half Dome in Yosemite, as viewed from Yosemite Valley

The place was alive with tourists and campers, something that I’ve never encountered in my travels in Asian or Australian national parks. The joy people clearly take from their time in Yosemite was evident in the delighted squeals of kids swimming in the river and the smiles on the faces of those cycling along shady paths.

People play in a lazy Yosemite river
People play in a lazy Yosemite river

Mirror Lake

Heather had been excited about Mirror Lake ever since we’d read about the way its waters reflect the mountains above and create a fantastic photo opportunity.

A shuttle bus is needed to get there unless you’ve rented a bike, but the buses are frequent and not too crowded.

As we ambled along the track that lead from the road to the lake, we were already beginning to doubt it would be there. With the waterfalls dry, it stood to reason that the seasonal ‘lake’ would probably be gone as well.

Our fears were correct. Little more than a stream remained for us to take in, but the walk itself was a pleasant one. The crowd here had thinned considerably compared to the valley, and you’re still out surrounded by nature.

Sentinel Dome

With sunset approaching, we hopped back into the car and made our way towards Sentinel Dome – which we’d been told provided fantastic views of the valley, especially at sunset.

The hike out there isn’t the easy going we’d become accustomed to in the valley; at times you lose the trail completely and have to just trust that you’re headed in the right direction. With the sun setting on another hot California day, the air began to pick up a chill as shadows lengthened.

The sun sets over the trail to Sentinel Dome
The sun sets over the trail to Sentinel Dome
The sun sets over the Yosemite Valley
The sun sets over the Yosemite Valley
Pondering the beauty of Yosemite atop Sentinel Dome
Pondering the beauty of Yosemite atop Sentinel Dome
The moon comes out over Sentinel Dome and Yosemite
The moon comes out over Sentinel Dome and Yosemite

After about half an hour of walking we came upon Sentinel Dome – a magnificent outcrop jutting out over the valley if you’re brave enough to clamber up its side. We weren’t alone up there, but we certainly weren’t crowded either. About a dozen hopeful photographers joined us up there.

The views are spectacular. With the cliffs being turned brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows by the setting sun – I reckon Heather and I snapped off in excess of 200 photos between us.


Heather takes in the view atop Sentinel Dome
Heather takes in the view atop Sentinel Dome

Our one mistake was waiting to catch the very end of the sunset, which left us to hurry back the 1.5 miles to the car before we lost all light.

I’ve written about our encounter with a bear in Yosemite here, so go read that to get a more harrowing account of our journey.

Between the black bear, the eventual complete loss of light save that provided by Heather’s phone, and the fact that every sound or shadow was clearly a mountain lion intent on eating us – it was a heart-pounding adventure for the two of us.

Glacier Point

Our hearts pounding out of our chests as we huddled in the rental car and scanned our backtrail for hungry bears or mountain lions, we still felt like we had it in us to check out Glacier Point.

A long and winding drive took us to a crowded car park. Still a little jittery from our brush with a bear, we nervously moved along the path until we came to a seating area that overlooked the valley. It was too dark to look out or down, so we made do with staring up at the seemingly endless sprawl of stars that lay overhead.

The air was crisp, cool, and clear and the stars put on a fittingly beautiful show to end our day in Yosemite.

Want to see some gorgeous photos from Yosemite? Check out Les Berlinettes visit to Yosemite and Mammoth Lakes.

An Experience

Our original plan had been to spend a few days camping in Yosemite so we could really do the place justice, but I feel like we did enough in our one day visit that I could leave without feeling like we’d missed too much.

Have you ever been to Yosemite? What would you recommend as a must see addition to a day in Yosemite?

Or if we’d had more time, what could we have added to our trip?


Earning It: Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

silverback posing uganda gorilla trekking
“Paint me like one of your French girls, Jack”

There comes a moment somewhere up the side of that impossibly steep and muddy mountain that I begin to doubt whether I’m up to the challenge I’ve set myself.

Hands bloody from gripping razor-toothed ferns and every inch of me drenched, dried, and re-drenched in sweat – I teeter on weak legs and feel my head spin. My stomach churns with exhaustion induced nausea and I fairly radiate heat.

My porter, himself looking as if he’s been on a leisurely stroll rather than the same arduous climb as me, quickly tears off a nearby palm frond and begins to fan me with it.

“Water?” seems to be the only word of English he speaks, and he turns so that I can reach the bottle of water in my backpack.

I feel a moment of embarrassment that he is not only able to do this with such aplomb, but that he is doing it while lugging my backpack full of water and food up the side of the mountain. Sometimes, just for a laugh, he adds my considerable bulk to his burdens when he reaches down and hauls me up after my latest fall.

We’re not even two hours’ hike into Uganda’s ominously named Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park, but you’d be forgiven for thinking we were somewhere deep within the fabled jungles of the Belgian Congo.

Beyond the frantic breathing of our party and the occasional whistle of distant trackers urging us on, we’re alone out here with the birds and the park’s most famous residents: mountain gorillas.

“Ready to go?” our lead guide shouts from the front. He’s wearing a grin that seems completely at odds with the hard slog that has seen us make our way up the side of a mountain so densely wooded that our armed guards have literally had to hack away at it with the machetes they wear at their hips.

I’m not ready. Far from it.

I want to lie down on the ground, suck water from the bottle, and take off my mud-caked shoes.

But the gorillas are somewhere deeper into the forest and I didn’t come all this way to turn back.

I’m going to earn my hour’s quiet communion with those beautiful animals.

uganda gorilla trekking baby gorilla
An inquisitive baby gorilla looks to the sky.

Preparing to go Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Gorilla trekking is most commonly associated with neighboring Rwanda, but Uganda’s cheaper rates make it an appealing option for those on a tighter budget.

While Rwanda charges $1,500 USD for the privilege, Uganda’s gorilla permits available for the relatively affordable price of $700 USD per person.

Far from being a gentle walk through the park, gorilla trekking in Bwindi-Impenetrable is an activity that requires at least a modicum of physical fitness.

It’s not mountain climbing in the strictest sense, but there are no paved paths through the dense jungle that clings to the side of the Virunga volcanoes. Your hand rails are fragile branches and prickly sharp ferns, and your steps up the mountainside are those that those before you have carved out from the clinging mud and rotting vegetation.

“Three legs are better than two,” is the unofficial motto of park officials, and we’re all equipped with walking sticks that range in style from hastily repurposed branches to staves intricately carved with motifs of the very animals we’re seeking to find in the mountains.

uganda gorilla trekking
Only mildly delirious after three hours of uphill hiking.

Ostensibly, we’re able to request the degree of difficulty we’re most comfortable with, but a legion of grinning grey-hairs has already laid claim to the ‘easy’ hike by the time we’ve finished the orientation.

My co-worker, Marjeta and I are instead put into the medium group alongside a leathery pair of super fit Spaniards, a pleasant Dutch couple, and a young-ish British couple who have made the insane decision to go gorilla trekking three times in four days.

“We will be hiking for anywhere between one hour and six hours,” our guide informs us with a grin, “Our trackers are out in the park now, but we cannot guarantee where the gorillas will be”.

I’d prepared for this eventuality, of course.

I’ve heard tales of people leaving the park office and stumbling upon the gorillas just fifteen minutes into the park. Conversely, I’ve heard of people coming back in the early hours of twilight looking more mud than man and beaming with accomplishment.

If there’s one thing that all gorilla trekkers share at the end of the day, it’s a glowing sense that they have not only achieved something remarkable – but that they’ve done so by earning it.

There’s no express pass to the gorillas. There’s no cable car or carefully paved path for novices.

If you want to see the mountain gorillas, you’re going to earn it with every drop of sweat, every exhausted expulsion of breath, and every aching step up the mountain.

pensive gorilla uganda
Contemplating the meaning of life

How difficult is gorilla trekking?

At first, I’m buoyed by how easy our path into the park seems to be.

We meander along a service road whose slope is so gradual it’s barely noticeable. Occasionally swerving to the left or right to skirt the edges of an especially hungry looking pool of muddy water, we exchange travel tales and talk of our already swelling desire to have an ice cold beer at day’s end.

It’s not yet 10am, but the air is already thickening with humidity and the sun shows no signs of being cowed by the clouds that had crept in overnight.

Our guide insists on taking breaks every ten minutes or so, and even the laziest amongst us is beginning to question his decision given how easy the hiking has been so far.

“Drink lots of water,” he urges us, “It could be a long day”.

We dutifully slug back mouthfuls of slowly warming water and shake our heads at his caution. How hard could it be?

We find out soon enough.

Our path suddenly veers away from the road and into the jungle proper. There’s no pre-trod path here for us to follow. Just the gap our guide has forced in between the trees with casual swings of his machete.

The sun isn’t quite able to penetrate the dense canopy of the forest, but there’s nothing to stop the pervasive humidity from soaking into us.

mother and baby gorilla uganda
A daring baby gorilla scampers up the tree as his frustrated mother watches on.

I’m soon accompanied by a curious swarm of bees who have been drawn by the sweat that sheens my skin. My first reaction is to frantically bat them away, but one of the soldiers trekking alongside me advises me this isn’t the best idea.

“Just let them look,” he advises me, “They will not sting you”.

And so I find myself carrying a few potentially painful passengers as our path steadily devolves from the relatively easy path we’d originally trod to a near vertical scramble up a mountainside that seems to be comprised solely of mud and angry undergrowth.

When I’m not desperately treading mud in a failing attempt to remain upright, I’m hissing with pain as I drag my palm across another thorny plant.

Why didn’t I bring gloves? They say you should wear gloves.

Our guide is a bald-faced liar.

He looks us in the eyes and promises us we’re just five minutes away.

Five minutes later, we’re facing another slick uphill struggle or (and I soon find out these are worse) a rapid and muddy descent.

The back of my jeans and my jacket are caked with mud. My walking stick is almost as useless as the hiking boots I’d thought would serve me so well.

It sounds like I’m miserable, but that’s far from the truth.

Every painful slip, every lung-bursting ‘last’ push, and every moment of self-doubt is also an affirmation of something.

Travel isn’t always easy. It isn’t always laughs and beer.

Sometimes, it’s an exhausting experience that makes you question the very sanity of your decision.

But nothing worth having is easy.

Whether it’s the degree you strive for years to complete, the girl you spend months trying to win over, or the very literal struggle up the side of a thick, humid, and altogether uncooperative stretch of Ugandan jungle that you hope will end with a glimpse of these critically endangered giants.

And so we press on.

We press on when our legs ache fit to topple us.

We press on when our lungs burn and refuse to take in a full breath.

We press on when the very mountain seems intent on flinging us from its lofty heights and tumbling us down in a torrent of mud and broken sticks.

We press on and, ultimately, we’re rewarded.

An hour with the gorillas

Our first glance of the gorillas isn’t dramatic.

It’s a blur of black motion that’s gone all too soon and leaves only quivering undergrowth in its wake.

It’s so quick that none of us has time to whip out our cameras and snap a photo. Blink and you’ll miss it.

With our packs, porters, and walking sticks cast aside for the final leg of our journey, our descent towards the gorillas is more barely controlled fall than calm approach.

Hearts racing, sweat beading, and hands shakily reaching for cameras – we finally come in sight of the family we’ve been tracking all day.

A young mother lounges in a tree overhead, her curious baby peeping over the leaves to see these strange, hairless primates with their clicking cameras and awestruck faces.

The silverback, striking a pose that would make an oiled up bodybuilder envious, regards us with disinterest as we take turns posing for the obligatory selfies.

silverback uganda bwindi impenetrable
The silverback obligingly poses for selfies and snapshots.

One especially irritable female rushes past me with a hoot of warning before the branch she’s dragging literally knocks my camera out of my hands.

While bees buzz lazily around us looking to sample our sweet, sweet sweat, we marvel at the similarities and differences we see in these gentle giants.

The kids show the same reckless curiousity that our own young show, and there’s no mistaking the long-suffering looks their overprotective mothers wear everytime they’re forced to backtrack and collect their distracted babe.

All too soon our hour with these fascinating creatures is up. Our last photos are snapped and it’s time for us to return to civilization.

As if aware of our imminent departure, the gorilla family begins its own Irish goodbye. The females gradually herd their brood of youngsters out of the clearing until the silverback has to grudgingly follow their example.

Even in the animal kingdom, it’s a wise man who knows the way the wind blows.

gorillas in the mist uganda
While the silverback lazes about, the females forage.

Returning to Civilization

Our return to Buhoma Town is a different experience than our often grueling ascent.

The excitement that had buoyed us on the way up the mountain has been replaced with exhaustion and a powerful thirst for an ice cold beer. Conversation is sparse at best as we pick our way down the mountainside and wend our way through the forest.

It’s a kind of afterglow that we’re basking in. A private reflection upon an experience we all shared, but that undoubtedly affected each of us in a very different way.

Upon returning to the park headquarters we say our goodbyes, collect our certificates, and pay our tips.

That first Nile beer is heavenly.

Peeling off my shoes is tantamount to orgasm.

The long, hot shower that sluices the mud and sweat off me is a pleasure I can’t quite explain.

Every ache in my legs and even the increasing heaviness in my eyelids are testament to the fact I earned my time with the gorillas.

So much in travel these days is gift-wrapped and given to us on a platter, but there’s nothing easy about earning your time with the gorillas of Uganda’s Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park.

You fucking earn that shit.


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Your Say

Is gorilla trekking on your bucket list? Or is it something you’ve already experienced?

Have you ever done something in travel that was made all the sweeter for having had to earn it?

kakheti wine tour

Exploring Georgian Wine Culture on a Kakheti Wine Tour

Exploring Georgian Wine Culture on a Kakheti Wine Tour

From the moment you pass through Georgian immigration, the country makes clear its pride in its more than 8,000 years of wine-making tradition. 

You quite literally have a fun-sized bottle of Saperavi wine thrust into your hand as they stamp your passport. Despite it being 1 am when we touched down in Tbilisi, several of my fellow passengers crack open their bottles then and there and drink it while waiting for their luggage.

Georgia’s wine culture is something very much worn on the country’s sleeve. You can buy plastic qvevris* of wine in supermarkets for as little as $2 USD per liter, while restaurants sell it by the glass, by the bottle, or by the liter.

“A Georgian man will drink at least three liters at wine at a supra*,” Tom from Food Fun Travel informs me as we start on our third or sixth carafe of semi-sweet red, “You’ll need to up your game”.

georgian qvevri kvevri kakheti wine tour
Qvevri (or kvevri) are used to ferment wine in the traditional Georgian style.

It’s a rare meal that passes without at least a glass of wine accompanying it, but to really get an appreciation for Georgia’s wine-making culture, a tour of Kakheti’s winemaking region is a must.

Located a short 90-minute drive from Tbilisi, Kakheti is the unrivaled home of Georgian wine. It’s not just vast factory vineyards and commercial cellar doors, either. You’d be hard-pressed to find a local home that doesn’t ferment its own wine in clay qvevris buried in the earth.

Georgians live and breathe their wine culture, and Kakheti epitomizes this.

  • Qvevri: Large, earthenware vessels used for fermenting wine in the Georgian style.

  • Supra: A Georgian feast or celebration.

georgian traditional oven kakheti wine tour
A traditional oven. These are even found in little stores throughout Tbilisi, with loaves of bread being around 20 cents.

A Roadside Breakfast

Our Kakheti wine tour begins, as all adventures should, with breakfast.

Tattered shreds of mist still drift aimlessly about as our car pulls up on an unremarkable stretch of road. The air is chill as we step out and eye a row of crude concrete buildings, many of which have listless stray dogs lolling outside. 

Richelle’s eyes light up as an uncharacteristically gregarious ginger cat trots over to claim us as its own, but our guide soon ushers us into one of the rude buildings. A number of faded plastic tables are scattered about the room, satellites orbiting a stone oven over which a bent-backed local woman currently hovers. In the corner, a rabbit-eared television the size of a microwave plays local TV in black and white. It has got to be older than I am.

georgian cheese bread kakheti wine tour
A simple yet delicious repast of bread ad cheese.

Rather than conventional baking, local breadmakers bake their bread on the sides of a well-shaped oven called a tone. They scrape puri loaves the size and shape of deflated footballs off with a metal scraper, heaping the steaming loaves onto the table for us to choose from.

Our guide, Kakha quickly snatches up a couple of loaves and gestures to a nearby table laden with wheels of cheese. We sample a few and settle on a crumbly white cheese that lies somewhere between feta and blue cheese on the flavor spectrum.

Standing outside in the chill morning air, we tear off hunks of the warm bread and pair them with this cold, crumbly cheese. It’s a simple repaste, but there’s something remarkably wholesome about a meal of bread and cheese in the Georgian countryside.

sighnaghi city wall kakheti wine tour
Richelle enlists me as her Instagram husband for a shot on the Sighnaghi City Wall.

Amber, Red, and White in Sighnaghi

The first wine-tasting of our Kakheti wine tour takes place in the picturesque town of Sighnaghi. Like something out of Tolkien’s Rohan, Sighnaghi looms up over the fertile Alazani Valley like a fortress. Indeed, the quaint village is surrounded by a wall behind which local villagers would once seek shelter when Persian invaders sought to raid their farms. 

Its cobblestone streets and old-school architecture put us in mind of a less over-touristed Bellagio, Italy. Were it not for the camera-wielding tourists and Soviet-era cars crowding the narrow laneways, you could be forgiven for thinking you’d stepped back in time.

A visit to the Heroes Monument and a walk along the icy city wall act as a prologue to our first wine-tasting at the well-appointed Okro’s Wines. Boasting the highest terrace in Sighnaghi, Okro’s affords us a breathtaking view of the medieval town and the surrounding Alazani Valley.

sighnaghi city view kakheti wine tour
The views of the Alazani Valley from Sighnaghi’s hilltop location are stunning.

Okro’s is 100% Georgian owned and operated, and proudly boasts of it organic winemaking process and its role in resurrecting Georgian winemaking traditions that were almost lost during the Soviet era, where mass-produced wine quickly supplanted traditional winemaking methods.

It is here that we try Georgia’s famous amber wine for the first time, sampling two examples alongside a dry saperavi and the obligatory shot of chacha.

The wine is fantastic. The chacha… not so much. This is not a commentary on the quality of Okro’s chacha. I’ve had the spirit – made from fermented grape stems and skins – on multiple occasions and it has always tasted like paint thinner to me. It’s one of those “grin and bear it” cultural experiences, like shots of baijiu in China or watching Aussie Rules in Australia.

supra georgia kakheti wine tour
Toasting from drinking horns with our host.

A Backyard Supra

Our next stop is as unassuming as the first. Our car pulls into the driveway of a residential home down a dusty side street.

Chickens scratch about in the dusty drive while a grinning man in his 60s or 70s barbeques skewers of meat over coals on a concrete slab. After introductions, we’re immediately led into the home’s subterranean wine cellar. Here, he shows us traditional clay qvevri as well as the trough in which barefoot men still gather to stamp the grapes as they have for thousands of years.

Such wine cellars are common across Georgia, where making your own wine is part of the cultural fabric. Some make it for sale, but many simply make enough for their friends and family to enjoy. 

It’s musty and cold in the cellar, but we’re soon warming our bones with glasses of homemade wine sloshed generously into glasses. We chase these with multiple shots of chacha, some of which manage to approach palatable. Or maybe I’m just getting drunk.

georgian supra feast georgian cuisine kakheti wine tour
A feast fit for a king!

With multiple glasses of wine and chacha lighting a fire in our bellies, we ascend to an entertaining space where a fire crackles in the hearth and a long table is laden with food. Signature Georgian dishes such as deep-fried salguni cheese, tomato & cucumber salad with crumbled walnut, lobio (red bean stew), fresh cornbread, and skewers of barbecued meat are on offer. This simple yet delicious meal is accompanied by multiple jugs of red wine.

Our host, whose name I never caught, raises the first of seven toasts. Toasting is a key part of Georgian supra culture, and while the exact order of toasts seems to vary from table to table, there are rules I haven’t quite grasped. 

We toast to peace. We toast to family. We toast to love and friends. We toast to God.

Our teeth turn purple and the stories begin to fall from our lips like errant drops of wine spill from the jug as it is passed around the table. The food, all of it delicious in the way that only a home-cooked meal can be, is soon forgotten as we call for our second (or is it third?) jug of wine.

By the time we make our way back out to the car, Richelle and I are both pleasantly full and happily drunk. We’ve still got one stop on our wine tour, but I have eyes only for that comfortable looking back seat and a mid-afternoon nap.

kareba winery kakheti wine tour
Built in a former Soviet bunker, Kareba Winery has a cool vibe to it.

Wine in a Fallout Shelter

After the local charm of our first few visits, there’s something a little too commercial about Winery Khareba. The juxtaposition is intentional, however, as our host wants us to have sampled both homemade wine and factory produced wines made in the European style.

Khareba is certainly not without its charms. A mountain looms up ominously over us as we arrive, and the tunnel that pierces to the very heart of it is rumored to have been a fallout shelter during the Cold War.

It’s well lit and lined with bottles of wine these days, but there is still something intimidating about the darkness that stretches out ahead of us as we make our way towards our tasting. The guide is an over-exuberant local lad in his early 20s. We chat about rugby, How I Met Your Mother, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe between glasses of wine and a cheese tasting platter.

georgian wine kakheti wine tour
Plenty to choose from!

I wish I could say I remember anything about the wines we tried at Winery Khareba. My iPhone’s notepad app is home to my drunken observations:

  • Smells of fresh-baked bread. Tastes of citrus.
  • Smells of green apple. Tastes of toffee and green apple.
  • Smoky nose. Tastes of cherry and plum.

Without the names of the wines or a picture of them, however, the above notes don’t exactly help me much in the writing of this article. Good job, drunk Chris.

It is sunset when we emerged bleary-eyed from the tunnels, feeling like the Lone Wanderer out of the Fallout series of games. The air has turned bitterly cold and our day of excess has caught up with us. We sleep fitfully for the two and a half-hour drive back to Tbilisi, arriving in that uncomfortable mid-point between still drunk and starting to feel hungover.

A Good Introduction

In the week since our tour, our more immersed wine-loving friends have picked our brains over our tour. What did we like? What didn’t we like? What did we think of that one cellar door?

There’s a certain level of jadedness that a long-term expat gets when it comes to tourism in their backyard. They comment on the wineries or the photos in the same disaffected way I might comment on a friend’s choice to visit Mutianyu Great Wall in China or Marble Mountain in Da Nang. These places have become ho-hum to them, and they’ve all got their favourite local watering holes and secret wineries that they swear by.

I don’t doubt that our Kakheti wine tour was not as authentic or off-the-beaten-track as it might have been, but that isn’t what we were looking for. We wanted a crash course in Georgian wine and – let’s be honest – the opportunity to drink a lot of wine in the process.

In this way, our day tour was the perfect introduction to Georgian wine. We didn’t need to be overwhelmed by information, nor did we need to see the off-the-beaten-path before we’d even trod the regular path.

I’m no longer a wine virgin like I once was, but when it comes to Georgian wine, I’m certainly glad that my first time was gentle.

A huge thanks to Viator for helping make the trip possible. Viator connects tourists with local tour operators across the world, and there is an abundance of tours both here in Georgia and virtually anywhere else you might be traveling.

The Ultimate Japan Bucket List: 50 Things to do in Japan

The Ultimate Japan Bucket List

Japan is, without a doubt, one of my favourite countries in the entire world.

From my first, awkward visa run back in 2009 to my hike along the Kumano Kodo to my 2018 visit to Osaka, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with this dynamic, gorgeous, fascinating country.

Below, you’ll find my hand-picked Japan bucket list – packed full of unmissable experiences, breathtaking vistas, and scintillating cultural experiences.

Whether you’re traveling solo or booking a tour, you’ll find plenty of inspiration below!

The Ultimate Japan Bucket List: 50 Things to do in Japan

When I started putting my Japan bucket list together, I figured it would be hard to fill the list.

I had trouble filling my China bucket list, so why wouldn’t a much smaller country be a more challenging prospect?

It proved to be quite the opposite, and I’ve had a hell of a time narrowing it down to just fifty things to do in Japan.

I’m sure I’ve left some off and I’m sure I’ve included some you wouldn’t consider worthwhile, so let me have it in the comments!

The Obvious

The below are the things I think should most prominently leap to your mind when you’re considering a trip to Japan.

Some of these are landmarks or historic sites, while others are cultural experiences that I think are central to a true Japanese experience.

#1 – Arishiyama Bamboo Forest

The towering bamboo stalks of Kyoto’s Arishiyama transport visitors to another world altogether. Japan’s rich cultural history with bamboo is easy to understand as you stand amidst its enduring beauty.

It’s easy to forget you’re at the heart of one of Japan’s busiest cities as you wander the serene forest of gently swaying green giants, but that’s all a part of what makes Japan’s gardens and shrines so fascinating.

Whether you take your time wandering through the groves, rent a bike and whizz through with the wind in your hair, or ride the romantic Sagano Train, a visit to Arishiyama is bound to be one of the more enduring memories of your time in Japan.

If you’re looking for a little extra guidance with your visit, you can take a Kyoto Arashiyama Insider Walking Tour by MagicalTrip.

Achieved on December 10th 2017

2 - Ramen in Tokyo
Image courtesy of Jonathan Lin

#2 – Eat ramen at the Ramen Museum

Ramen is right up there alongside sushi when it comes to iconic Japanese foods, but the popular convenience store snack is far more than just broth and noodles.

While you can sample the flavourful noodle dish virtually everywhere in Japan, why not indulge your taste buds while also learning about the huge variety of flavours and styles that exist?

The Shinyokohama Ramen Museum is more nostalgic food court than a true museum, but your stomach is going to thank you for the experience.

If you’re looking for ramen recs, ask the people who know best. ViaHero’s trip planners are locals in Japan who can recommend their favorite spot to slurp.

3 - Shinkansen Train Japan
Image courtesy of Toshiyuki Imai

#3 – Ride the Shinkansen bullet train

Japan’s rail network is famous around the world for its speed and efficiency and has acted as the blueprint for similar high-speed rail systems in neighbouring China and South Korea.

Stretching from northern Hokkaido to southern Kyushu, the 320km an hour Shinkansen is considered one of the safest and most efficient ways of getting around the country.

While it’s just a means of getting from Point A to Point B, the affordability of the Japan Rail Pass and the experience of hurtling through the idyllic Japanese countryside make it a must see on your trip.

Achieved on November 28th, 2017

4 - Sushi Tsukiji Market
Image courtesy of Jonathan Lin

#4 – Eat sushi and sashimi at the Tsukiji Fish Market

You knew that sushi and sashimi were going to make an appearance on this list.

Japan’s most beloved contribution to international cuisine is more than just rice and raw fish, and if you’ve seen Jiro Dreams of Sushi, you know that it can be a way of life to some.

It wouldn’t be a trip to Japan without sampling its signature delicacy, so why not combine that experience with a visit to the bustling Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo?

Choosing where to eat sushi in Tsukiji can be a daunting prospect, but wandering the world’s largest seafood market is an experience all of its own. If the prospect of getting lost in the market daunts you, I’d suggest looking into a private Tsukiji Market tour.

5 - Karaoke in Japan
Image courtesy of B Lucava

#5 – Rock out all night in a karaoke bar

We could debate until the cows come home whether Korean noraebang, Japanese karaoke, or Chinese KTV came first – but let’s just agree that the phenomenon is most closely associated with Japan.

You’re not likely to have any trouble finding a karaoke joint at the end of a night’s dining and drinking, with both private ‘karaoke boxes’ and boozy live karaoke joints both available.

Most karaoke joints will have a selection of English songs to choose from, and many also serve food and drinks.

We won’t speak of the shady kind that serves other things…

Want to know more? Check out this awesome guide to karaoke in Japan.

6 - Sumo
Image courtesy of David G Steadman

#6 – Attend a sumo bout

Sumo is one of the unique athletic pursuits in Japan, and a well-timed visit to Japan can coincide with one of the six annual fifteen-day sumo tournaments that take place.

These tournaments take place in Tokyo (January, May, and September), Osaka (March), Nagoya (July), and Fukuoka (November), and tickets are sold on a per-day basis.

Trying to understand how the schedule works and purchasing your passes could be a challenge, so check out this website for all of the information you’ll need and assistance in booking your tickets.

Ryogoku Sumo tour
A sumo tour is a great way to learn more about the sport of sumo.

Seeing Sumo Year Round

If you aren’t in Japan for one of the tournaments, you can check the official sumo calendar for exhibitions or pay a visit to a sumo stable, where aspiring sumo train.

If you’re interested in seeing how sumo train, you can take an engaging sumo tour with MagicalTrip. On this tour, you will get a better understanding of how much hard work goes into becoming professional sumo. Most locals have watched Sumo on TV but have never watched the training, so it’s gonna be a very unique and special experience for you.

7 - Fushimi Inari
Image courtesy of Terence Lim

#7 – Wander Fushimi Inari

There is no end to the beautiful and serene shrines in Japan, but few are quite as photogenic and engaging as Fushimi Inari in Kyoto.

Famed for its lengthy tunnel of brightly coloured torii gates, Fushimi Inari is one of the nation’s most popular shrines.

In addition to its instantly recognisable torii, the shrine is also home to a number of other graveyards, statuaries, and shrines.

Achieved on December 10th, 2017

8 - Skiing in japan
Image courtesy of Miki Yoshihito

#8 – Go skiing

Skiing in Japan has become one of the most popular pastimes for people residing in Asia and Australia, with more than 500 ski resorts scattered across the country’s mountains and valleys.

There’s plenty of debate as to where to find the best skiing in Japan, with beginner and foreigner friendly Niseko a popular choice with first-timers.

9 - Jigokudani Macaque Monkeys
Image courtesy of SITS Girls

#9 – See the Macaque snow monkeys in Jigokudani National Park

If you’ve ever been on social media, chances are that you’ve seen an adorable photo of a family of snow monkeys just chilling out in a steaming hot spring.

The Japanese Macaque is the most northern-dwelling (non-human) primate in the world and makes its home in temperatures as low as -15C.

Visitors flock to Jigokudani National Park for their chance to observe and photograph these unique primates, with the best time to see them coming during the winter months when the hot spring is surrounded by snow.

Check out this guide to seeing the snow monkeys for more info.

10 - Mount Fuji
Image courtesy of Wall Boat

#10 – Climb Mt. Fuji

Snow-capped Mount Fuji is one of the most enduring images of Japan, and no visit to the Land of the Rising Sun would be complete without witnessing the majesty of Fujisan at sunrise or sunset.

While it’s all well and good to snap a few pictures of the mountain from afar, for a truly Japanese experience, climbing to the top of the 3,776m high mountain is likely to be a memory you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.

How to Climb Mount Fuji

The mountain itself is not considered a difficult mountain to climb, although there are some steep portions and the risk of altitude sickness to contend with. During the official climbing season (July to September), you’ll have to contend with crowds looking for their own dawn summit.

Many climbers will hike about halfway on the first day, overnight in one of the huts on the mountain, and then time their ascent to coincide with the glorious sunrise.

You can even book a guided Mt. Fuji tour to take out all of the guess-work.

11 - Imperial Palace Tokyo
Image courtesy of Anish Palekar

#11 – Visit the Imperial Palace in Tokyo

A visit to the seat of Japanese Imperial power is a must for an interest in the nation’s history.

While the original palace was destroyed during World War II, the current incarnation is a faithful recreation that is still home to the reigning Japanese Emperor.

While the Emperor’s role is ceremonial these days, the chance to wander the palace grounds and gardens is of obvious appeal. If you time your visit to coincide with New Year’s (January 2nd) or the Emperor’s Birthday (December 23rd), you can even gain access to the inner palace grounds where the Imperial family live.

#11b – Visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace

If you want to complete your palace collection, you can also visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace, which acted as the residence of the Emperor until the capital was relocated in 1868.

12 - Cherry Blossoms Japan
Image courtesy of Yoshikazu Takada

#12 – See the cherry (and plum) blossoms in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

Like Mount Fuji, the humble cherry blossom has become a symbol of Japan.

Images of the pink-white blossoms gently drifting on the spring breeze and decorating the roads are highly sought after, and there are entire sites dedicated to discussing the best places to see cherry blossoms in Japan.

The Best Place to See Cherry Blossoms

Tokyo’s Shinjuku Gyeon National Garden is considered the absolute best, both due to its accessibility and its manicured gardens.

The Philosopher’s Path in Kyoto, Kema Sakuranomiya Park in Osaka, Mount Yoshinoyama in Yoshino, Osaka Castle, Himeji Castle, Hanamiyama Park in Fukuoka, and Hirosaki Castle in Tohuku are other great options.

Plum Blossoms > Cherry Blossoms?

One of my readers, Rohan has asserted that plum blossom season is every bit as appealing as cherry blossom season.

Blooming from February until March, these more brightly colored blossoms are an attraction all of their own.

Check out where to see plum blossoms in Tokyo.

13 - Akihabara
Image courtesy of DD

#13 – Get lost in Akihabara

Whether you’re looking to buy the latest gadgets or you’re wanting to indulge your anime or manga fandom, the neon lights and bustling crowds of Tokyo’s Akihabara district are likely to be of appeal to you.

Japan’s status as a tech giant and as the birthplace of manga are combined into one dizzying, exhausting orgy of consumption that needs to be experienced to be fully comprehended.

Maid Cafes

Akihabara is also (in)famous for its maid cafes, in which customers are waited upon hand and foot by giggling girls in maid’s outfits. There are also butler cafes for the ladies.

Given the dubious nature of both the clientele and the underbelly of maid cafes, it’s something best avoided.

Manga Kissa

For a less perverted experience, you can also drop by a Manga Kissa (Manga Cafe) where you can read manga, watch anime, surf the internet, or even spend the night.

While you’re not likely to find any English manga to read, the experience is one you’ll likely not forget.

Read more about manga kissa.

akihabara anime maid tour
If you want to explore Akihabara in a way that also educates you, a tour is a great way to do so.

Taking an Akihabara Tour

Akihabara is a big place and there is a lot going on. While it’s perfectly reasonable to explore it at your own pace, having a local guide can be a great way to gain insight into the various subcultures represented here.

MagicalTrip offers an Akihabara tour, on which you’ll explore the area with a local guide and experience the area’s unique elements, such as arcades,  sex shops, anime & manga cafes, and the infamous Maid Cafes.  You’ll even take some purikura!

Achieved on December 1st, 2017

14 - Robot Restaurant Tokyo
Image courtesy of Nick Turner

#14 – Visit the Robot Restaurant

You can keep your Michelin stars and your fancy banquets – Tokyo’s famous Robot Restaurant is my ‘must see’ dining experience in Japan.

Nothing epitomizes the zany madness of modern Japan quite like this odd combination of dinner theatre, science fiction, and vaguely sexual performance.

While the food isn’t much to write home about, words can’t quite describe just how weird the Robot Restaurant is.

As the restaurant is hugely popular, it’s advisable to grab your tickets in advance. Richelle and I used Voyagin to take advantage of their discount pricing. It even came with a free gift!

Achieved on December 1st 2017

15 - Shibuya Crossing
Image courtesy of Candida Performa

#15 – People watch at Shibuya Crossing

Bright lights, deafening noise, seething crowds… it hardly sounds like an experience you’d go out of your way to have.

But to many, being jostled at Shibuya Crossing is the quintessential Japanese experience.

Much like Times Square in New York, Shibuya is a pedestrian area that has taken on a life of its own over the years. It’s been immortalized in film to the point that tourists come here simply to say they’ve crossed the busy intersection and taken in the sights and sounds.

For an avid people watcher, staking out a seat in the nearby Starbucks and taking in all of the action is a must.

Achieved on December 4th, 2017

16 - Capsule Hotel Japan
Image courtesy of Simon Nielsen

#16 – Sleep in a capsule hotel

They might not be the most glamorous option and they’re certainly not going to be the most spacious, but Japan’s capsule hotels are such a fascinating glimpse into a kind of high-tech dystopian future where space is at a premium and we’re all packed in tighter than sardines.

That isn’t to say that contemporary capsule hotels are dystopian or even uncomfortable. Many boast capsules (or pods) that have creature features such as flat screen TVs, on-site spas, charging docks, libraries, etc.

They aren’t going to be the best stay of your trip, but it’s an experience that is pretty uniquely Japanese.

It’s worth noting that many capsule hotels are male only, so do your research if you’re a traveling couple or a solo female traveler!

17 - Kabuki
Image courtesy of ralchovak

#17 – Attend a Kabuki Show

With extravagant costumes, over-exaggerated acting, and elaborate sets, Japanese kabuki theatre is a hugely popular form of traditional art that stretches back to the Edo Period.

While it started as an all-female art form, modern Kabuki is performed solely by men – in much the same way as traditional Shakespeare featured all male casts with men who specialised in playing the female love interests.

With the stories often derived from Japanese history or mythology, attending a kabuki performance can be a valuable insight into Japan as it was before its rapid modernization.

18 - Harajuku
Image courtesy of Jose Navas

#18 – Go crazy at Harajuku

If Akihabara is representative of Japan’s modern technoculture, Harajuku is representative of its youth. Those headed to the Harajuku Station area are inevitably drawn to Takeshita Dori and its surrounds, where boutiques, shops, fast food joints, and more vie for the attention of fickle teens.

It’s in the Harajuku area that some of Japan’s most iconic youth fashion movements have their origins and people watchers are likely to spot everything from rockabilly-loving hipsters to wildly inappropriate cosplayers on a Sunday when school is out.

In addition to its obvious attraction as something of a human circus, Takeshita Dori and nearby Omotesando are a great place to do a little shopping. You’ll find everything from vintage clothes to noise-making toys to the latest in high fashion in the area.

Achieved on December 2nd, 2017

19 - Himeji Castle
Image courtesy of Reginald Pentinio

#19 – Visit Himeji Castle

With its distinct white appearance, Himeji Castle is one of Japan’s ‘twelve original castles’ that has never fallen victim to natural disasters or war. Sometimes known as White Heron Castle, Himeji is one of Japan’s most beautiful examples of the architectural style.

Himeji’s history stretches back more than 500 years to the 1400s when it was a strategic fortress to guard the route to the then capital, Kyoto. The castle as it stands today is a classic example of the 1700s style.

While Himeji-Jo is especially spectacular when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, it is nonetheless worth a visit regardless of the time of year you’re visiting.

Achieved on December 9th, 2017

20 - Geisha
Image courtesy of Japanexperterna

#20 – Spot a Geisha in the streets

Alongside the regal Samurai, the serene beauty of Japan’s Geishas is among the nation’s most enduring images.

For those wishing to catch a glimpse of the few remaining true Geisha in modern Japan, Kyoto’s Gion district is where you’ll want to be. Even if you’re extremely patient, however, there is no guarantee you’ll see what you came for.

With Geisha becoming less common as Japan modernises and their services being in high demand by exclusive clientele, a geisha out and about is a rarity indeed.

My friend, Becki from Borders of Adventure has a great piece on her experience spotting Geisha in Kyoto.

Achieved on December 10th, 2017

21 - Meiji Shrine
Image courtesy of Kanegen

#21 – Wander the woods of Meiji Shrine

Located a short walk from the hustle and bustle of Harajuku, Tokyo’s Meiji Shrine is an island of calm at the heart of one of the world’s most densely populated cities.

Upon entering through the shrine’s distinctive torii gate, you’re transported into the heart of a serene forest as more than 100,000 trees work together to drown out the noise of the city.

While the shrine itself is just under 100 years old, Meiji Shrine is arguably the country’s most well-known and popular shrine, with more than 3 million people visiting to pay their respects over the New Year alone.

Whether you come to escape the noise, appreciate the history, indulge in a moment’s quiet prayer, or to spot locals in traditional attire, Meiji Shrine is likely to be a balm for the soul and for the sanity after the delightful madness of modern Japan.

Achieved on December 2nd, 2017

The Off the Beaten Path

If you’re looking for something that isn’t on every single tourist itinerary, below you’ll find a number of suggestions that range from semi-obvious to a little quirky.

There’s a motley mix of cultural experiences, beautiful landscapes, and wildlife experiences. If you’re not sure how to make all of this a reality, consider taking a guided tour in Japan. There are many fantastic companies able to help stitch unique activities into an unforgettable itinerary.

22 - Park Hyatt Tokyo
Image courtesy of Mark Barton

#22 – Get Lost in Translation at the Park Hyatt Tokyo

Made famous by Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannsen’s unlikely pseudo-romance in Lost in Translation, the Park Hyatt Tokyo’s New York Bar has become a popular stop for those whose love affair with Japan started with Sofia Coppola’s Academy Award-nominated film.

For those wanting to have their own Santori time, New York Bar in the Park Hyatt has the drinks and it has the live music.

All you need is your own Scarlett Johannsen.

naoshima art island
Image courtesy of saltowitz

#23 – Wander Naoshima Art Island

Sandy beaches, sunny weather, a laid-back atmosphere, and an abundance of modern art make Naoshima something of a must for those wanting a different Japanese experience.

The entire island is like a massive outdoor art exhibit, and art-minded tourists from across the world make the pilgrimage to the island for their chance to wander amongst the installations and be soothed by the peaceful island atmosphere.

In addition to the various open-air exhibitions, you’ll also find four art museum on the island with works from the likes of Monet, Warhol, Turrell, and more. With the museums themselves being works of architectural art, it’s certainly a feast for the eyes.

Food and accommodation are available on the island, and there’s also a decent beach for those wanting a break from intellectual stimulation.

Check out Wikitravel’s page on Naoshima for a more comprehensive overview.

24 - Koyasan Buddhist Retreat
Image courtesy of Akuppa John Wigham

#24 – Overnight at a Buddhist retreat on Mount Koya

Known locally as shukubo, temple stays are a way for petitioners to extend their time at holy sites and to experience the Spartan accommodations and austere lifestyles of the monks who tend the grounds and temples.

While not every Buddhist temple offers the service, many of the more popular temples around Tokyo and Kyoto offer the option. Mount Koya is an especially good location for those wanting to spend a night or more living in another time, with more than 50 shukubo on offer and some even boasting English-speaking monks and Booking.com pages!

For those wanting to sleep on traditional tatami floors, experience the warmth of kotatsu floors, and eat delicious vegetarian food, it’s a fantastic experience. The opportunity to live (almost) like a month and to have a higher degree of access

The opportunity to live (almost) like a monk and to have a higher degree of access to the temple and its grounds is also a big selling point. Guests are able to wander the grounds when the tourist crowds have departed, participate in morning prayers, and (in certain shukubo) participate in monk-led activities such as meditation or the copying of sutras.

Intrigued? Chasing the Unknown shares her experience staying in a Koyosan Temple Stay.

25 - Hiroshima
Image courtesy of Freedom II Andres

#25 – Pay your respects at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Some may call it dark tourism, but making the pilgrimage to sites of unspeakable atrocities can be an important part of learning from the mistakes of the past so that they cannot be made in the future.

The twin atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the deaths of between 129,000 and 226,000 people, and while some may still debate whether or not the bombings were justified, it is a catastrophic loss of life that many choose to acknowledge by visiting one or both of the affected cities.

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park today stands as a tribute to not only those who lost their lives but as a testament to the hope that such action will never again be necessary. Visitors can wander the quiet parklands, visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and see the A-Bomb Dome – the closest structure to the detonation that survived.

The Nagasaki Peace Park offers a similar experience, although it is not quite as extensive.

Hiroshima bar hopping tour
Taking a Hiroshima bar tour is a great way to experience modern Hiroshima’s vibrant night life.

A Different Side of Hiroshima

Hiroshima isn’t a city mired in the past. Indeed, it is a dynamic and thriving city with a lot more to see than the various memorial sites that attract tourists.

MagicalTrip offers a fantastic Hiroshima bar hopping tour, which is a great way to enjoy Hiroshima nightlife and its food.

26 - Okinawa
Image courtesy of Jiashiang

#26 – Scuba Dive on Okinawa

Students of military history may have their own reasons for wanting to visit the site of one of World War II’s bloodiest battles. More than 200,000 people died in the fighting that ultimately saw the US seize the island from Japanese soldiers, and this was most recently immortalized in Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge.

There are a number of parks and war memorials on Okinawa dedicated to those who lost their lives on both sides of the fighting.

Scuba Diving Okinawa

For those with the scuba bug, the Okinawa island chain offers some truly world-class scuba diving sites. Boasting a huge diversity of landscapes and difficulty levels, the chain is hugely popular with divers.

With waters like you’d expect to find in Southeast Asia, Okinawa’s dive sites range from shore dives to shallow reefs to drop-offs to submerged monuments, Okinawa and surrounding islands such as Yonagunijima and Ishigakikima are a diver’s paradise with plenty to keep even the most experienced diver occupied.

Read more about Okinawa’s dive sites.

27 - Sika Deer Nara Park
Image courtesy of conifer conifer

#27 – See the Sika Deer in Nara Park

Alongside the snow monkeys mentioned earlier, Japan’s deer are one of the most recognisable symbols of the country. With Shinto Buddhism considering deer to be messengers of the gods, the animals enjoy special treatment as they roam freely through Nara Park in (you guessed it) Nara.

There is far more to Nara than just paying a few yen to feed the city’s iconic deer population, however. Described as “second only to Kyoto as the richest collection of traditional sites in Japan” by Inside Kyoto, Nara has also been described by my reader, Rohan as one of his favourites due to its history and the lack of crowds.

Historic Sites in Nara

Visitors to Nara shouldn’t miss the chance to see the likes of Todai-Ji Temple and Kofuki-Ji Temple, as well as the large number of traditional gardens that dot the city. The Harushika Sake Brewery is also one that is worth a look if you enjoy imbibing Japan’s signature spirit.

Lastly, again at Rohan’s urging, I’ve been told to recommend Sakura Burger. Go, eat one, and tell me how it was.

Achieved on December 9th 2017

28 - Ryokan
Image courtesy of DocChewbacca

#28 – Stay in a ryokan hotel

Those looking for some cultural immersion during their visit to Japan should without question spend some time sleeping in a ryokan. Ryokan are traditional Japanese inns with a history dating back centuries.

Today, they are a popular way for tourists to experience traditional Japanese hospitality. If you’ve ever watched a Japanese movie and thought it might be cool to open a shoji (sliding paper doors), take off your shoes and walk barefoot on warm tatami (reed mats), and spend the night sleeping on a futon – ryokan are what you’re looking for.

So, a ryokan is the same as a hotel?

Not exactly. While a ryokan serves the same purpose as a western hotel, it does so in a distinctly Japanese way. You’re not likely to find TVs, WiFi, or large queen-sized beds here.

Not for those who want all of their western creature comforts, a night in a ryokan nonetheless offers a complete package that often includes both dinner and breakfast. In most cases, these meals are taken in your room at a low table, but some ryokan have communal dining areas as well.

Many ryokan maintain elaborate gardens and/or communal baths where you can further immerse yourself in a simpler kind of life.

If you’re interested in adding a ryokan experience to your trip, consider checking out Japanese Guest Houses.

Achieved on November 13th, 2017 at Andon Ryokan

29 - Ghibli Museum
Image courtesy of Olivier Bruchez

#29 – Visit Studio Ghibli

If you’ve never seen one of Hayao Miyazaki’s amazing anime films such as Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle, or maybe something grim like Isao Takahata’s Grave of the Fireflies, you really should.

Go and do that now. I’ll wait.

Done? Good!

Visiting the Studio Ghibli Museum

Located in central Tokyo, the Studio Ghibli Museum offers fans of the films a whimsical experience as they explore the various exhibits dedicated to the art and worlds from the films.

Described by the management as ‘a storybook experience with you as the main character’, the museum has you wander through fantastic worlds and rekindle friendships with old friends, whether from your childhood or (like me) your adulthood.

There’s even a cute little cafe on site to nourish your body after you’ve nourished your heart.

You can read more about visiting the Studio Ghibli Museum at Just Hungry.

Be sure to book your Studio Ghibli tickets through KKday early, as they often sell out!

30 - Okunoin
Image courtesy of DocChewbacca

#30 – Visit Japan’s largest graveyard at Koyasan

I mentioned Koyasan above as the best place in Japan to experience a Buddhist temple stay, but there’s more to the mountain than just a place to overnight.

The heart of Shingon Buddhism, Koyasan is home to more than 100 temples and an abundance of the aforementioned temple stays. Prominent temples include Kongobu-Ji and the Garan complex, at the heart of which is the Konpon Daito Pagoda. Shingon Buddhism posits that this pagoda is at the heart of a mandala that encompasses all of Japan.

Okunoin Temple & Cemetary

Said to be where the founder of Shingon Buddhism, Kobo Daishi rests in eternal meditation, Okunoin is one of Japan’s most sacred sites and a truly atmospheric experience.

Over the centuries since Kobo Daishi’s death, many prominent historical figures and monks have desired to be buried close by. This has given rise to one of the most hauntingly beautiful sights in all of Japan: a sprawling graveyard complex in a forest of cedar trees.

Lit by thousands of lanterns and featuring a variety of unique headstone designs, Okunoin is fascinating by day and otherworldy by night.

31 - Sushi Class Japan
Image courtesy of Asian Brasserie

#31 – Make and eat your own sushi

It’s all well and good to make a point of eating a little sushi and/or sashimi on your trip, but a truly adventurous traveller will want to get their hands a little dirty by making it for themselves.

There’s no one place in Japan where you should get in the kitchen, as the food’s popularity at home and abroad means that there is no shortage of culinary schools on offer for would-be chefs. The lion’s share tend to be in major cities, with Tokyo having the broadest selection.

Achieved on November 22nd, 2018

32- Pachinko
Image courtesy of Richard Moross

#32 – Try your hand at Pachinko

Looking something like a child’s arcade parlour, these noisy and smoky establishments are packed at all hours with locals wanting to try their luck and win a little money.

Like some ghastly hybrid between pinball and a Vegas style slot machine, pachinko sees gamblers firing tiny steel balls about the screen hoping to activate the drum (or, in modern machines, screen) and have matching symbols come up.

Just like slot machines, pachinko machines tend to have all manner of colourful and deceptively child-like themes, and you’d be forgiven for mistaking a parlour for something far more family friendly.

Even if you’re not a gambler, wandering around a crowded parlour and soaking in the smoky, gritty ambience of it all is worth a brief stop.

Learn more about pachinko.

33 - Purikura
Image courtesy of Erica Kline

#33 – Take obnoxious Purikura

It sounds more mysterious than it actually is. Purikura is a Japanese pronunciation of “print club” and is used to describe photo booths of the kind westerners have at weddings, birthday parties, and other social occasions.

In Japan, purikura is a much bigger part of life, and especially amongst teenage girls.

Found in most video game arcades and scattered about the streets, purikura are photo booths in which a couple or a group of friends can take hammy photos, sometimes with a variety of props or digital filters. These pictures then print out on stamp-sized paper to be tucked into your wallet or pinned to your dream board.

It’s all a little silly, but it’s a fun little souvenir and another window into modern Japanese culture.

Learn more about purikura.

Achieved on December 1st, 2017

34 - Osaka Restaurant
Image courtesy of zaopharm

#34 – Go on an Osaka food crawl

In a nation with an enduring love affair with good food, Osaka stands out as the go-to foodie destination in Japan.

As all good foodie cities do, Osaka presents the very best from around Japan but also has its own signature dishes and flavours that people travel to experience.

Rather than bore you with a list of foods to try, I’ll instead leave you in the capable hands of Mark from Migrationology, who has this exhaustive Osaka food guide for your viewing pleasure.

If finding and ordering everything for yourself seems a tad daunting, you’ll find an abundance of Osaka food tours to choose from.

Achieved on December 11th, 2017

35 - Japan Baseball
Image courtesy of Erik Drost

#35 – Get baseball fever

Baseball might me America’s pastime, but Japan also considers the tedious sport to be its national pastime.

(You’ll forgive my disdain for baseball, it’s basically a lazy man’s cricket)

Regardless of your thoughts on the sport, the spectacle of attending a baseball match in Japan is one that should not be overlooked.

Differences between American and Japanese baseball

Raucous fans, a festive atmosphere, tasty bento boxes, a different style of play, and other distinctly Japanese variations on the theme make it unlike anything you’ll have experienced before.

It’s hard not to get caught up in baseball fever as the crowd chants and sings, and while I’ve not had the pleasure of attending a Japanese baseball match, my experience at a Lotte Giants game in South Korea was something very different to my experience at an MLB game in the US.

Learn more about Japanese baseball culture.

36 - Kinkaku-Ji
Image courtesy of Hans Johnson

#36 – See Kinkaku-Ji Temple

You might be thinking, “But Chris, you’ve recommended so many temples already! Do we really need another one?”

It’s true that in many cases, seeing one temple is seeing them all, but Kinkaku-Ji (Golden Pavilion) is one you’re going to be glad you made the effort to see.

A Zen Buddhist temple located in Kyoto, Kinkaku-Ji’s distinctive gold leaf reflects beautifully from the waters of the large pond beside it.

Something distinct from other temples you’ll see in Japan, the Golden Pavilion is amongst Japan’s most photogenic temples.

Achieved on December 9th 2017

37 - Sapporo Ice Festival
Image courtesy of iyoupapa

#37 – Attend the Sapporo Snow Festival

Even if skiing and snowboarding aren’t really your thing, there’s something at the Sapporo Snow Festival for everybody.

Akin to the Harbin Snow & Ice Festival in China, Sapporo’s festival boasts a number of impressive snow and ice sculptures that practically shine in the crisp winter air.

Spread across three festival sites in the same area, the festival is home to live music, market stalls, and family-friendly activities such as snow slides and food stands.

It’s a celebration of all things white, fluffy, and just a little too cold – and it’s one of Japan’s most popular festivals as a result.

The Sapporo Snow Festival takes place in early February each year.

38 - Golden Gai
Image courtesy of shiranal

#38 – Bar Crawl the Golden Gai

You can drink almost anywhere in Japan, but you’ll regret not indulging in Tokyo’s seedier side with a few beverages on the infamous Golden Gai.

A throwback to simpler times, Golden Gai’s many bars range in size from shack-sized six-person establishments to more generously sized bars. Six tiny alleys surrounded on all sides by towering skyscrapers and traffic-choked streets, the Golden Gai has somehow defied Tokyo’s rapid modernisation and retains much of its glorious, seedy charm.

United by a love of alcohol and an anything goes approach to themes, the Golden Gai district is popular with locals and tourists alike, although bars would prefer it if you spend a little money to go with that cheesy selfie you’re snapping.

Where to drink on Golden Gai

Rough Guides has a great guide to Golden Gai that recommends the best bars and gives some etiquette tips. With some bars being invite only and others having a strict ‘no tourists’ policy, you’ll want to do a little research or practice your best sorry in Japanese.

(Seriously, there are so many ways to say sorry in Japanese!)

Achieved on December 4th, 2017

39 - Piss Alley aka Memory Lane
Image source

#39 – Brave a bite on Piss Alley

While we’re in the Shinjuku area, it would be criminal not to take a walk down the notorious ‘Memory Lane’.

Better known as ‘Piss Alley’, this ‘old Japan’ style alley is a cramped laneway of cheap BBQ joints, dingy bars, and places serving up some of the weirdest dishes you’ll encounter in Japan. Got a hankering for horse penis, grilled salamander, and pig testicles? This is where you’ll find it!

For the less adventurous, Piss Alley is better known for draft beer, flavorful yakitori skewers, and hearty bowls of nikomi stew.

Achieved on December 4th, 2017

40 - Onsen
Image courtesy of Ralta Futo

#40 – Soak in an Onsen

For the uninitiated, onsen are natural hot springs. These are immensely popular all across Japan, with people traveling to different springs dependent on their ailments and the purported health benefits of the minerals in the water.

Whether or not you subscribe to their health benefits, there’s still a lot of appeal to be found in a visit to one of Japan’s many onsen resorts. Soaking in blessedly warm water surrounded by serene gardens is just about anybody’s idea of heaven.

Dogo Onsen – Japan’s Oldest Onsen

Dogo Onsen in Shikoku is considered one of Japan’s oldest onsen, with stories of Prince Shotoku bathing in its hot waters as far back as 1,500 years ago. For those with an interest in both Japanese history and public nudity, Dogo has obvious appeal

There’s plenty of heated (pun intended) debate as to which onsen resorts are the best, so do your research and decide for yourself which is Japan’s best onsen.

Achieved on November 13th, 2017

The Obscure

Looking to do something that none of your friends has done?

Been to Japan a few times and it all feels a bit ho hum now?

Below, you’ll find ten obscure attractions and activities to add to your Japan bucket list.

41 - Kumano Kodo
Image courtesy of Muratagawa

41. Walk the Kumano Kodo

You’ve perhaps heard of the Camino de Santiago, a legendary Christian pilgrimage that draws tens of thousands of penitents and idealistic backpackers to western Europe every year.

Japan not only has its own sacred pilgrimage, it happens to have one of the most underrated and breathtaking hikes of its kind in the world.

An Ancient Tradition

The World Heritage Listed Kumano Kodo has a history that stretches back more than 1,000 years, with petitioners ranging from humble peasant folk to the Imperial family making the trek to the Grand Shrines of Kumano – Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, and Kumano Nachi Taisha.

Following paths that wend and wind through mountain forests and along windswept clifftops, the Kumano Kodo was and is a sacred journey through some of Japan’s last untamed wilderness.

A Modern Hike of Cultural Immersion

While some of the Kumano Kodo’s original routes have since been built over, there still remain a number of Kumano Kodo trails that can be hiked in a few days.

Those wandering this ancient way will pay their respects at isolated Oji shrines, overnight in silent Buddhist temples, and see a side of Japan that most don’t even know exists.

Want to Do It Yourself?

Richelle and I tackled the entire 170kms of the Kumano Kodo Iseji Route in November 2017. You can read about the experience of hiking the Kumano Kodo, check out the two-week Kumano Kodo itinerary, or look at Richelle’s awesome piece on preparing to hike the Kumano Kodo.

Achieved November 13th – November 28th 2017

42 - Cat Island Japan
Image courtesy of Sayako Shimoyama

#42 – Visit Cat Island

You might have seen photos of Tashirojima, Japan’s famous ‘cat island’ where stray cats outnumber the island’s aging population by a ratio of about 6:1.

This might sound like hell to some, but cat enthusiasts have turned this otherwise unremarkable fishing island into something of a tourist attraction as they come to see the felines who call it home.

With locals believing that feeding the cats brings them luck, they look at the island’s survival of the 2011 Tohuku Earthquake as a sign.

Visiting Tashirojima

Despite the island’s growing popularity with tourists, it still remains a functional fishing village with an aging population. There aren’t a lot of tourism facilities, so visitors should be prepared to use squat toilets, bring their own food, and return to the mainland to sleep.

43 - Samurai
Image courtesy of Ivan Milnaric

#43 – Immerse yourself in the land of Ninja and Samurai

If you’re like me and think that ninjas are just about the coolest thing in the universe, you might have been dismayed to learn that there is precious little information out there about donning the black and slinging shuriken yourself.

Thankfully, the Japanese government has acknowledged the sad lack of ninja-themed attractions and there are plans underway to open a ninja academy in Tokyo.

Uncovering Japan’s Samurai History

On a more serious note, I’ve always been fascinated with Japanese history. My particular fascination has been with the period from the 12th century to 1868’s Meiji Restoration when the Samurai dominated Japanese politics.

While the intricacies of the various Shogunates and the Bushido code aren’t something I’ll go into here, it’s a truly enthralling period of Japanese history that ended much more recently than many imagine.

Touring Samurai Sites

These days, visitors to Japan can immerse themselves in Samurai history by visiting historic castles and Samurai districts, wandering the various museums on Samurai history, or visiting Samurai theme parks such as Nikko Edomura.

44 - Hakone Tozan Railway
Image courtesy of Jordi Sanchez Teruel

#44 – Ride the Hakone Tozan Railway

For rail enthusiasts, there’s a more traditional alternative to Japan’s famed high-speed trains.

The Hakone Tozan is Japan’s oldest mountain railway and winds its way through narrow forest valleys in a throwback to the glory days of rail.

A scenic trip no matter what time of year you visit, the ride is especially picturesque during June, when hydrangeas are in bloom, and in the fall when the valley is set afire by the autumn foliage.

Other Things to do in Hakone

Of course, there’s more than just a scenic railway in Hakone, and you can find a wealth of things to do in Hakone including peaceful shrines, art museums, and scenic hikes.

45 - Hanayashiki Park
Image courtesy of Kimi Showota

#45 – Experience the old school Hanayashiki Amusement Park

Claiming to be Japan’s oldest amusement park, Hanayashiki opened in the 1800s and has been amusing young and old alike ever since.

While most tourists will make a beeline for Tokyo Disney or Disney Sea, I’m drawn to the history and old carnival charm of this park.

A Modern Amusement Park

Historic doesn’t mean out of touch or dangerous, and Hanayashiki today boasts all of the modern amusements and safety measures you’d expect to find in a theme park.

Roller coasters and big drops are set alongside old school Ferris wheels and carousels, and it’s all coupled with the distinctly Asian charm of motorized panda cars, noisy arcade games, and 3D theatres.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

With old-fashioned amusement parks being replaced by modern theme parks full of high tech rides and colorful characters, the chance to take a historic tour of the park is also a draw. Visitors can take a guided audio tour to learn a little more about the park’s history.

The park’s real appeal isn’t its rides or attractions, but its status as a throwback to a bygone era.

Prefer Something Newer?

If an abandoned amusement park isn’t your thing, you’ve also got Tokyo Disneyland. Here, you can see the fascinating fusion of the traditional Disney aesthetic with that unique Japanese cultural flavor.

For tickets (or tours to other Tokyo highlights), you can check out Musement.

46 - Kamikochi Northern Alps
Image courtesy of mendhak

#46 – Hike the Northern Alps

If the Kumano Kodo doesn’t look intense enough for you, the Northern Alps might be more your speed.

Starting from idyllic Kamikochi Resort within Chubu SangakNationalal Park, visitors to this geographically stunning region of Japan can embark on a number of hikes ranging from relatively simple day treks to multi-day climbs.

It’s certainly possible to do an affordable camping trek of the breathtaking Northern Alps, so read more about Kamikochi on a budget.

47 - Takane Ruby Bloom
Image courtesy of Zekkei Japan

#47 – See the Takane Ruby Bloom in Akasoba-no-Sato

Cherry blossoms too mainstream for you?

Plum blossoms a bit hipster for your tastes?

The yearly red buckwheat bloom (better known as the ruby bloom) in Akasoba-no-Sato is considered one of the more stunning displays of floral beauty in Japan. Taking place every September, this bloom turns the Nagano fields a vivid shade of pink-red that makes for stunning photos.

More than just flowers

Of course, there’s more to Nagano Prefecture than just a yearly blooming of buckwheat.

The aforementioned Northern Alps lie within the prefecture, and there are a number of other landscapes just begging to be explored by the avid hiker.

For history buffs, sites such as Matsumoto Castle, Narai Juku, Zenkoji Temple, and more are scattered about the region like archaeological finds.

48 - Akame Waterfalls
Image courtesy of conifer conifer

#48 – See the 48 Waterfalls of Akame

If waterfalls get your freak juice flowing, Akame might just be your new favourite place in the world.

Boasting a startling 25 waterfalls (48 may be an exaggeration) ranging from towering cascades to raging torrents to admirable trickles, Akame in Mie Prefecture is a region steeped in Japanese myth and legend.

Home to the giant salamander, Akame is often described as ‘the birthplace of Ninja’ due to its rich history as a base of operations and training for the legendary spies and assassins of the Samurai era.

The Five Falls

The highlights of Akame are five especially impressive waterfalls: Fudo, Senju, Nunobiki, Ninai, and Biwa.

Walking between these five falls takes visitors past all twenty five of the park’s waterfalls.

49 - Parasite Museum
Image courtesy of Gullhem Vellut

#49 – Get grossed out at the Parasite Museum

One of the more bizarre museums in the world, Tokyo’s infamous Meguro Parasitological Museum is a monument to all of the creepy little buggers who seem intent on making their home under your skin, in your hair, and in your internal organs.

Where else in the world can you see grissly photos, a dizzying collection of parasite specimens, and the world’s longest tapeworm. 8.8m and it lived inside somebody!

It’s a small, two-storey museum that is sure to give you the creeps, but as Time Travel Turtle found, it’s well worth a look.

50 - Kayabuki no Sato
Image courtesy of rainday1977

#50 – Experience rural Japan in Kayabuki no Sato

While there are plenty of places in Japan where you can ‘experience’ rural Japan, Miyama is a small village north of Kyoto that is still very much adhering to the old ways.

The Kayabuki no Sato village is home to thatched roof dwellings that are still lived in by local farmers and families, making it a more authentic affair than the replica villages that tourists can visit elsewhere.

Visitors can stroll around this bucolic little slice of heaven and snap photos but should be aware that many of the homes are private dwellings.

(If you’re an avid iPhone photographer like I am and need to do it for the ‘gram, don’t forget to look into buying prepaid Japan travel sim cards to keep you connected)

The Folk Museum

For those wanting a glimpse into the construction of the traditional homes, there is a small museum that showcases items from daily life in this idyllic corner of the world.

You’ll also find the Little Indigo Museum, for those with a keen interest in the… uh… dying of indigo.

Overnight in a traditional home

Seeing it by day and snapping a few photos is one thing, but spending a night in one of the thatched houses is a much better taste of cultural immersion. You’ll not only sleep in a traditional home, you’ll also have the opportunity to eat local foods.

Hiking Ashiu Forest

To complete your city escape, it might be worth venturing into the nearby Ashiu Forest for a bit of a walking safari. An old-growth forest that has yet to fall afoul of progress, Ashiu is home to monkeys, deer, and even bears!

Your Say

This list could easily have been 100 items long, but I’ve kept my Japan bucket list to just fifty items.

Have I missed any that you feel should be on here?

Looking for more bucket list inspiration?

Don’t forget to check out my other comprehensive bucket lists!

abu dhabi beach

The Wonders of Abu Dhabi

Experience the Wonders of Abu Dhabi

Any first time visitor to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, cannot help but be absolutely astounded at the opportunities for leisurely pursuits combined with the extravagant glories of one of the world’s richest nations.

In fact, Global Finance, an online news business focused on international wealth, named the small Arabian nation as the ninth richest nation on earth based on the value of its gross domestic product – the value of goods and services produced – with respect to the number of citizens in the country.

Do you have a bucket list – a list of things you want to accomplish before your time on earth runs out? Several of them might be accomplished with a trip to the capital of the UAE.

With more and more carriers such as AirBlue flying to the United Arab Emirates, the region has never been more accessible.

To give you some direction when planning your Abu Dhabi escape, I’ve chosen a few cultural sites, a few leisure activities, and one or two of the country’s environmental wonders.

Qasr Al Muwaiji

When you first see this enormous structure, you’d be forgiven for assuming is a fort, castle, palace, or even an imposing government building.

In fact, this enormous building is a public museum that was the palace where His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE was born. Brochures will tell you the structure “watched over” the oasis that surrounds it, but “guarded night and day,” is probably more accurate. While now a museum, the building was, essentially, the country’s Kremlin – the seat of government – the Capital building, as it were.

al ain uae abu dhabi
Image courtesy of Michael Coghlan

Al-Ain Palace Museum

Well, if you have an oasis of any great size, it helps to protect it in a desert community. This fortress-palace is really a huge sandcastle, which was built in 1937 and converted into a museum in 1998.

It is the quintessential palace you might envision if you think of Arabian Nights. It actually looks like it was made of sand by tipping over massive – really massive – plastic buckets and outlining the turrets with a stick. It isn’t playing around, however; this one is the real McCoy.

Package Deals

Abu Dhabi is known for extravagant package deals that combine gloriously modern hotels – with all the famous amenities: a pool, a restaurant and tons of sunshine. For example, you could try the Al Ain Rotana deal that starts with a stay at Al Ain Rotana and includes a buffet breakfast and four tickets to the Al Ain Zoo.

golf abu dhabi
Image courtesy of Land Rover MENA

Golfing Escapes

It might be debatable where the world’s best climate might be, but a convincing claim could be made for the United Arab Emirates. In so many words: Just look at the fabulous golf courses! If that doesn’t turn your head – well, then you probably don’t play golf.

The UAE is home to a few of the fanciest golf courses around – the Els Club Dubai, which costs up to $336 per player – to some with far more modest fees, such as the Emirates Golf Club that costs from $29 to $40 per player. A little bit for everybody.

abu dhabi beach
Image courtesy of Kyle Taylor

Family Fun

Family fun options are just about never-ending here. Abu Dhabi is famous for fancy skyscrapers, even fancier shopping and even fancier restaurants. Best of all, however, it’s too hot for a coat and tie, so this is a casual dress type of fancy much of the time. And the country has theme parks and water sports beyond your wildest dreams – making it an ideal place to take the kids.

Abu Dubai is famous for – get this – snorkeling, diving, SUP events, and kayaking! This just isn’t what you expect to find when headed to the Middle East.

While you’re at it, you can try your hand at parasailing, floating lounges, or spending some time in an inflatable bubble. All this is made possible by the remarkable man-made lakes that include – you don’t see this everywhere – a section of beach exclusively dedicated to women and children large enough for 1,100 bathers.

Of course, the beach is not segregated for the children’s sake. It is segregated to accommodate women in a region where public displays of skin, especially among women, are frowned upon. With that in mind, even men in Abu Dubai are expected to conform to a dress code, even if the very modern capital of the UAE has among the most casual dress codes in the entire Middle East.

With so much to offer, which attraction do you want to try first?

Your Say

Have you been to Abu Dhabi? What were your trip highlights?